As a parent, you want the best for your child. When your time with your child is at stake during child custody and visitation disputes, you need a trusted advocate on your side who will fight for the best possible resolution to your child custody dispute.
At Randi J. Vladimer, P.C., our attorneys have nearly three decades of experience in working with parents across Chester and Montgomery counties. Whether your custody dispute stemmed from a divorce, separation or another dispute with the other parent, we identify your goals early on to develop a customized strategy to preserve your parent-child relationship.
Distinguishing The Two Types Of Child Custody
There are two types of child custody in Pennsylvania: physical and legal.
- Physical custody refers to the physical possession of the child, including where they will stay and when.
- Legal custody refers to the legal rights for parents to make decisions for the child, including on religion, education and health care.
In many cases, courts award legal custody to both parties and physical custody on a shared, partial or supervised basis, rather than solely or primarily. We can advise on probable solutions based on your unique case, and work with you to advocate for the best solutions for your child’s needs and well-being.
What Factors Are Considered In Awarding Custody?
While courts ultimately make decisions that are in the best interests of the child, the decision is the result of considering many relevant factors, including, but not limited to:
- The likelihood of each parent to encourage the relationship between the child and the other parent
- The parental duties carried out by each parent and the ability of each to care for the child
- The need for stability in the life of the child, including by staying in the same neighborhood or school and remaining close to family
- Any history of domestic abuse or substance abuse
- The mental and physical states of each parent
- The input of the child, given that the child is mature enough to provide sound judgment
While child custody disputes are rarely straightforward, certain factors can further complicate matters. Whether a grandparent chooses to pursue visitation rights, a parent seeks a modification of an existing order, or a parent seeks to relocate with the child, we can assist you.
Discuss Your Case With An Attorney
We provide the individualized and experienced representation you need when legal matters affect your children. Contact our Radnor office to schedule a confidential consultation. Call 610-975-9898 or email us through our contact form.